To change maladapting behaviour and to bring about appropriate behaviour at all stages of life.Behavior Modification is an approach to therapy that is based on conditioning. The goal of behavior modification is to, well, change behavior. Behavior Modification techniques can be used with both children and adults and often is used in conjunction with other treatments such as Cognitive-Behavioral Therapy (adults) and Play Therapy (children).Behavior modification usually seeks to extinguish, or stop, an unwanted behavior and replace that behavior with a desired behavior. Using the principles of reinforcement, therapists assist clients and parents in constructing ways to reinforce desired behaviors while constructing ways to extinguish unwanted behaviors.
Adolescent counselling is provided to teens to navigate through the stress and strome period. help them to more from dependency to independence without minimizing family rappiners.
Adolescence is a period of transition from being a child to becoming an adult, in this transition period the adolescent goes through certain physiological and psychological changes. Trying to cope with these physiological and psychological changes the adolescent faces a number of crises and issues. Adolescence is also the time of transition from dependency to autonomy.
As a result of the transition from dependency to autonomy and the physiological and psychological changes an adolescent will experience conflict of interests, conflict of resolutions and differences of opinions. In this period of transition an adolescent is in the mode of experimentation which makes them vulnerable to problems.
virutha focuses to bring harmony in families by better communication and encouraging family members to compromise.
Family counseling brings together members of a family to work through situation or relationship issues. Concerns may include changes in family relationships, conflict, health issues, addiction or other. Counselors will help the family recognize their patterns, build on the positive and develop alternatives, providing all family members a voice in the process.
Each counseling experience is unique just as every individual is unique. What happens in individual, couples or family counseling sessions depends on the unique needs and contributions of the individual(s) seeking help.
Councelling can help parents to strengthen their parenting skills,efficient enough to resolve disageements about child reasing.
Parenting can be as challenging as it can be rewarding! Our children can bring great joy to our lives as we support them on their journey to adulthood. At the same time, parenting can be frustrating, thankless and just hard work, particularly when children move into their teenage years.
1. What do you do when your child refuses to go to school or is constantly getting into trouble at school?
2. What if your teenager seems to be drifting, gets in with the ‘wrong’ crowd or starts to experiment with drugs or alcohol?3. What if your teenager no longer listens to you, respects you or behaves abusively towards you?
Life Supports counsellors and psychologists support our clients in navigating their roles as parents. We offer support when parents are feeling overwhelmed or ‘stuck’, and are unsure of the best steps to take for themselves and for their children.
when there are no recommendations from trustworthy people to decide on choosing partner or managing life with the partner martial councelling.
Pre-marital counseling is helpful for many couples who want an overview of challenges that face them once they marry. They want to establish the best possible relationship patterns to serve them for years to come. Other couples have specific issues they are stuck on, and they would like to examine and move ahead on these issues before they marry. Many couples enjoy the opportunity to uncover the many expectations, spoken and unspoken, they have about each other in preparation for marriage.
Post-Divorce counseling can help couples and/or their children that have conflict over family issues post divorce. There may be tension involving financial issues, parenting schedules, new relationships or new or unanticipated circumstances such as new health or educational needs for a child. The family can minimize conflict and resolve these issues with family mediation.
Anxiety,pain,frustartion,failures,cause stress,stress level increases with un healthy coping methods facing negative outcomes with rational thinking by organised way of life with good sleep and relaxation technologies.
Stress is often defined as a bodily response to the demands of life. But there are also emotional and mental aspects of stress. It is experienced as thoughts and feelings as well as in the body. Another way to define stress could be as an internal and conditioned response to external pressures.
Mental health professionals often help people reduce and manage their stress. They can also help people work through other mental health issues that have developed while coping with high levels of stress over a period of time.
students are exposed to know individual competenaies,self -knowledge,educational and occupational exploration.
Career Counselling is a process that focuses on helping one understand one’s own self, as well as work trends, so that one can take an informed decision about career and education. Career Counselling helps manage a diverse range of problems such as low concentration levels to poor time management, trust issues with family to non-agreement between parents and children on which career to choose.
Effective academic counseling, career advising, and mentoring foster student success and are an integral part of the institutional environment. Academic counseling provides students with clear pathways for successful and timely completion of their academic goals, through either degree or certificate programs at two-year colleges or transfer to four-year colleges or universities. Career advising provides information about a wide variety of employment opportunities available in chemistry-based careers. Mentoring leads to successful completion of educational and career goals.
Advisers, counselors, and faculty members should help students develop educational goals and guide their professional development via networking opportunities, confidence building, and career planning. A strong collaboration among chemistry faculty, counselors, and advisers at the institution and their contacts at local high schools, receiving institutions, and employers should be fostered and sustained in order to increase students’ successful matriculation, transfer, job placement, and achievement of career goals.
Relationships are never easy and all relationships go through difficult periods from time to time.
ommon issues that couples present to couples counselling include:
1. Frequent arguing or lack of communication.2. Inability to reach a specific decision.
3. Infidelity.
4. Feelings of jealousy and insecurity within a relationship, and
5. Reluctance to commit to the relationship.
One of the hardest things we do as humans is be in relationship with a single partner. These relationships are fraught with periodic difficulties that may be rare occurrences or may be frequent problems.